***New*** Now with TruColor® “Amaize Glaze™” Zein Based Vegan Confectioner’s Glaze No Smudge Fomula that Seals and Protects Foods for Increased Shelf Life

TruColor’s line of 24 brilliant metallic food color paints and interference highlight paints were developed to specifically to spray or paint metallic food color approved for use in the United States on the surface of solidified chocolate (and most dry food products including fondant, royal icing, buttercream etc.) The 12 metallic “effects” paints were developed to create metallic highlights on chocolate or sugar art. TruColor Liquid Shine and Liquid Effects are a a “must” for every dicerning sugar artist’s “bag of tricks” for that unique design or that competitive edge.
Designed to spray directly on chocolate, these new state of the art natural food color paints can also be hand painted with and or sprayed on to the surface of chocolate molds, then the color left to dry before adding chocolate into the mold, for spectacular metallic effects! The ethanol base dries almost instantly allowing you to crate in hot steamy kitchens or the humidity of the deep south in summer!
**NEW** “Amaize Glaze™ “ TruColor’s own Zein based vegan confectioner’s glaze made from U.S. NON-GMO Corn Protein has been added and now the metallic shine and color is sealed in and will easily not rub off! Look for “Amaize Glaze™ on the label!
TruColor Metallic Liquid Shine and Metallic Liquid Effect line of food
colors are made from fruits, vegetables, roots, seeds and minerals in a cane
alcohol base colors to create hue specific light reflective hues and
24 Liquid Metallics
12 – Liquid “Shine” Metallic Light Reflective Paints
12 – Liquid “Effects” Metallic Highlight Paints.
TruColor the company that brought you light reflective airbrush powders made from fruits, vegetables, roots, seeds and minerals in unprecedented brilliance again sets the new standard of excellence with their new state of the art liquid shine natural food color paints and interference colors!
All the TruColor Interference colors are U.S. approved food color additives made with super pure food grade mica based pearlescent pigments complemented with fruit and or vegetable juice.
12- Liquid “Shine” Mineral and Plant Based Food Color Paints were
specifically designed to be airbrushed directly on to the hard to color
chocolate surfaces evenly and perfectly without beading up on the waxy surface. They can also be used to paint light reflective hues on virtually any food product. They can be used to color clear piping gel with amazing results and be painted on with a paint brush!
400 Liquid Pearl Shine
401 Liquid Gold Shine
402 Liquid Silver Shine
403 Liquid Copper Shine
404 Liquid Pink Shine
405 Liquid Purple Shine
406 Liquid Violet Shine
407 Liquid Blue Shine
408 Liquid Green Shine
409 Liquid Yellow Shine
410 Liquid Orange Shine
411 Liquid Red Shine
12– TruColor Liquid “Effects” Interference Colors (pictured here on dark
chocolate) show best against dark or color surfaces and will give a “hue
specific” metallic light reflective pearlescent glow on chocolate and on most
foods! Effect Interference colors are used to give a light reflective “highlight” shine to most food products. TruColor Interference colors were
designed for use with an airbrush gun. When added to regular airbrush or
blended to create secondary colors you to make your own personal custom light reflective hues for fun or for that competitive edge the world’s best
decorators and chefs strive for! Highlight are best achieved by using an
airbrush and using the effect color very sparingly, simply hold the airbrush
gun away from the food surface and spray lightly against a color or dark
surface, mica particles only need to simply lay flat to reflect the light!
The Effect line works best when sprayed lightly or heavy to light in a fade
pattern against a dark surface.
501 Liquid Steel Shine Effects
502 Liquid Silver Shine Effects
503 Liquid Gold Shine Effects
504 Liquid Violet Shine Effects
505 Liquid Purple Shine Effects
506 Liquid Sky Blue Shine Effects
507 Liquid Royal Blue Shine Effects
508 Liquid Turquoise Shine Effects
509 Liquid Spring Green Shine Effects
510 Liquid Green Shine Effects
511 Liquid Pink Shine Effects
512 Liquid Sunset Red Shine Effects
New Jars! (Above) jars below are now discontinued and are shown until we publish new pictures.
Here are a few tips
to help you be successful the first time using this amazing new airbrush color:
Ultrapure food grade mica is the mineral that gives TruColor® natural color paint its light reflective shine and is approved for use on food in the United States. Mica is heavier than the liquid and will lay flat on the bottom of the jar so it is very important to open and mix the color by using a stirrer or popsicle stick to “lift” and “mix” any mica particles which may have settled to the bottom of the jar. For best results to apply Liquid Shine, warm it to 30° to 40° C (86° to 104° F)Do not use direct flame or heat the ethanol solution with an electric heater, instead heat a pan of water to approximately 70° C (158° F) and place the tightly sealed jar of Shine Color into the water pan to gently warm the color away from any ignition source.
Important: Replace the lid and the seal wafer after stirring and then shake up the jar again before each use. (Save the seal wafer and replace each time when storing color as this will help prevent evaporation)
Color with mica particles are thicker than plain liquid colors, for use with an airbrush gun use an orifice of about .30 or more and use the color immediately after pouring into the airbrush cup, over time gravity will cause the mica to settle in your airbrush and may cause it to clog. If this happens, simply place your finger over the end of the nozzle and pull the trigger to create back pressure to lift and evenly distribute the color and mica. You know you are doing this correctly when you see little bubbles in your airbrush cup, continue spraying.
Spray lightly, the mica particles only need to lay flat to
reflect the light!
When you are finished, simply clean your airbrush gun with alcholol, using water before you rinse you gun with alcohol may cause the AMAIZE GLAZE ™ vegetable confectioner’s glaze to gum up inside your gun requiring extensive cleaning…Remember, rinse your airbrush gun well with alcohol first before cleaning with water!
The “Liquid Shine” line of 12 Colors colors work well against a white or dark surface with an airbrush or by hand with a paint brush. The Liquid “Effects” line of 12 Colors work best with an “airbrush” machine and sprayed very lightly against a dark or color surface sprayed to give a hue specific light reflective highlight shine.
You do not need to be an expert to create amazing works of sugar art, just have fun!